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To make your first request, this will get a lyrics
of song.
Get Lyrics
Query Parameters
"title": "PAPARAZZÄ°",
"full_title": "PAPARAZZİ by UZI",
"image": {
"thumbnail": "https://images.genius.com/7b62a32f06438795ab98ccd4e646b5fa.300x300x1.jpg",
"full": "https://images.genius.com/7b62a32f06438795ab98ccd4e646b5fa.1000x1000x1.jpg"
"url": "https://genius.com/Uzi-paparazzi-lyrics",
"artists": "UZI",
"artist": {
"name": "UZI",
"url": "https://genius.com/artists/Uzi",
"image": {
"banner": "https://images.genius.com/a5f9d3d34f82d36d9747aae1eef3b313.1000x529x1.jpg",
"thumbnail": "https://images.genius.com/5502239df2987378e3fafc1afa701c7f.640x640x1.png"
"media": [
"provider": "youtube",
"start": 0,
"url": "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrcOsxFxqG0"
"lyrics": "(Who made it? It's Kleo)\n(Segah)\n\n\nYalan oluca'z, hızla gidersek..."
curl -v -L -G -d "q=uzi paparazzi" https://api.emirkabal.com/v1/lyrics
# Install node-fetch library
yarn add node-fetch@2 # or npm install node-fetch@2
// require the node-fetch and query-string library.
const fetch = require("node-fetch").default;
const query = new URLSearchParams({
q: 'uzi paparazzi'
(async () => {
const response = await fetch(`https://api.emirkabal.com/v1/lyrics?${query}`)
const data = await response.json();
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